I intend to post in here more frequently. I'm satisfied with what I'm accomplishing for the most part. I wish I weren't so concerned about money. I know that my stressing about it is hindering me in my quest for making it. I am going to start writing down some specific things that I can do to earn money and more specific monetary goals so that I can use my subconscious to help me get there faster.
I really do intend to become financially independent this year. I know there are certain things that I can do to get there, and I'm going to start doing them. I am tired of causing stress on other people because of my own lack of money. And I'm tired of my relationship with money. I am going to do better than this. I am better than this.
Other than money, I am feeling good about myself. I have been practicing mindfulness every day. I got Nick to gain over 1.5 pounds just through nursing and a bottle of pear juice every day, so that makes me know that I don't need to doubt my milk supply.
I did not let my headache yesterday, which kept me from working out, become a reason to quit working out for the rest of the week, or forever. I have been doing great with exercising, even if I haven't lost any weight.
I've also been doing pretty well with drinking water and many other things. I'm excited about what this year has to offer and I'm getting a lot done. If I can get this much done on this little amount of sleep, I'm excited to see what I will be able to get done once I'm not sleep deprived!