Well, I am in the process of revising and expanding my book, and I'm hoping to have it available in hard copy format as well in the next couple of months. I haven't had time to meditate daily, as everything is wrapped up in getting our household used to the new baby.
Son number one is enamored of Son number two now, after several weeks of perpetually holding his hands over his ears in anticipation of baby crying. He says, "Baby N. is made up of many small parts. He has a hole in his head, but you can't see it because it's covered with skin and fur."
Baby N. has just started smiling at me for real. He began last night at 2:45 when he woke me up for a feeding (and I fear also because there was a little roach crawling around in his swaddler--for some reason our nursery is attracting roaches and it's the most upsetting thing to me). Seeing him put off nursing for a little bit to smile at me was incredibly rewarding. I think I am devoting a huge amount of time to trying to get him to smile at me more, which probably isn't particularly mindful (perhaps I should be accepting of all his facial expressions), but having a measure of interaction is fantastic. We stick our tongues out at each other and make "little mouth" and then he'll coo and smile.
Baby N. is very low maintenance for a baby, aside from needing me constantly in his presence. He knows when I leave a room, even if he's in his crib.
I am getting geared up this month for novel writing next month. I have a book to release in November and it has a website associated with it and it's crucial to me to get this done as soon as possible. I feel like I have a lot on my plate but there is no reason I can't get it all done.
This week I have my follow up doctor visit to get my stitches checked and find out if everything is okay for me to resume a normal life (including sex and exercise). I always feel like I want to work out when I can't, and then when I can I don't want to. I'm going to work on getting past that. I have a post natal yoga dvd, and I might start T Tapp again. Also when it cools down a little I'll start up walking, which would be good for both the dog and me.
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