Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I really like cooking.  I think I'm a pretty good cook, even though I don't get a lot of positive reinforcement from my kids or husband.  It is sometimes hard cooking for one, since then you're stuck with a bunch of leftovers.  Sometimes that is okay, but my freezer is filling up with things that I got tired of eating.
I have a few recipes that I can throw together at the last minute, or that I consider my signature dishes.
These include ratatouille, quiche, artichoke dip, and baked ziti.  My sister also says I make the best mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs (two separate dishes).
I've been enjoying expanding my repertoire lately since I've been getting co-op veggies and I've had to hunt around for ways to use up the things that come through.  Some of them are things I'm not really all that enthusiastic about, but I've been pretty impressed with the recipes I've found for some of them.
I also like baking, which I tend to throw in with cooking even though they're not really the same thing.

I don't tend to worry about fat content in my food.  I'm more concerned with carbs and sugar.  However, I don't talk a lot about food with people because I don't really care what people choose for eating plans.  Whatever works is fine with me.  When people come over for dinner (which isn't all that often), I definitely take their dietary needs into consideration.

I'm spending a lot of time these days cooking baby food.  My ten month old is underweight so I'm working on fixing him calorie-laden dishes.  He really likes sweet potatoes so I've been roasting those and mashing them with butter and cream, and then I've been making him coconut milk and cream custard.  He doesn't like that so much on its own but he gobbles it up when it has sweet potatoes in it.  He also is very fond of a cream of spinach soup that I made.  It is kind of like spinach dip in soup form.

Sometimes I wish that I could view food more like fuel, but it's much more than that to me.


  1. If your child is really underweight, and not just destined to be lighter than the average fat child, then try whizzing tofu or banana into a milkshake he does like. I like cooking too, and at one time each of my sons went b=vegetarian on me without warning. Getting protein down them was a challenge!

    1. He really is underweight...right now he's off the charts low. He lost weight between 7 and 9 months and he had blood work done and his albumin levels are low. I will give the milkshake with things in it a try--he is somewhat particular about his food and really doesn't seem to like most of the normal baby food type things, yet he will eat really strong cheeses and oddly spiced things.
      I wish he were a less distracted eater.

      I just want him to gain a bit more weight so I don't feel like I've been starving him. He sure doesn't look like a hungry kid, and he's meeting all of his milestones, but the albumin levels being so low are a cause for concern. Otherwise I wouldn't care because his older brother was low weight when he was a baby and he's fine.
