Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Z-Zombie Pets

Zombie Pets is the silly online game that I play.  It is a time sucker.  I like it though and I've met a lot of neat people through it.  I started playing because of a friend of mine.  She sent me something about it so I started playing.  I have been playing now for a couple of years.  So I feel like a crabby old lady because I can say things like, "I remember when there was only one habitat and you couldn't store anything and you couldn't send zombies as gifts."

I started out liking the Christmas Puppies and I wanted one of them but it was hard to get them.  You had to wait until they died and you could steal one from someone's habitat.  Then I liked the monkeys and I still like them a lot.  There are some new things out that I like better I think, and I want to make stuffed animals of them.

I'm an admin of the main group.  And the developers sent me some neat stuff.  They made a onesie for Nick when he was born and it is really cute.  I think it is too small now but I love it.

I don't even really like zombies much but I love ZP.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an interesting game. I think if I were to spend time playing games on the computer, I'd get lost with minesweeper.

    Congrats on completing a-z. :)
