Monday, April 8, 2013


I have a lot of goals.  I think I need to make them more specific because I don't seem to be getting anywhere with them.  It's kind of discouraging.
I also wonder about that study where they said that if you envision your success your brain thinks you have already succeeded so it doesn't work as hard to help you reach your goals.  I think that would maybe apply to imagining your success, rather than thinking and visualizing the steps you take to reach your goals.
I feel like I'm so anxious about not succeeding that I've effectively paralyzed myself and don't get much of anything accomplished, and that creates a vicious circle in which I don't have faith that I will succeed, so I don't succeed, and then I have less faith.
I used to achieve all the goals I set for myself.  That hasn't happened for a long time.  I don't think my goals are unrealistic.  I'm just not quite sure how to get started.  I know I need to just dive right in.  That's not easy to do sometimes.
I know that beating up myself for my failures isn't the way to accomplish any more goals.  And I have gotten some stuff done.
I'm currently doing Camp NaNo, and I'll get my words written for that.  I'm behind at the moment but I am motivated to get that done.
I'm doing and I succeeded in March's challenge, and I know I can do April too.
I've successfully given birth to two healthy babies.
These are recent things.  I have a long list of past achieved goals but they are from a long time ago.
I have a blog where I've been tracking my goals for this year but I think I missed out on my March update.  That's not to say I can't update now.  I don't think I have much to show for this year so far.  However, the year is only 1/4 of the way through and I can get a lot done in the next 9 months.


  1. Setting proper and reasonable goals is the trick, when you achieve them you can up the goal. If you're goal oriented that is. And if not, it's not a bad thing.

    1. I think my goals are proper and reasonable, I'm just out of practice with accomplishing them. Some of them probably need to be broken down a bit more but I'm working on that this year.
