Thursday, April 4, 2013


I suffer from depression.  It is more or less under control, I think, but sometimes I wonder if that is why my house is such a mess and why I have little motivation.  In high school it was the worst, and then I've had a couple of bouts of situational depression.  Nothing post-partum, though.
I know that exercise helps make me feel better, and lack of money makes me feel worse.  I kind of feel like I get into a rut and I am not sure how to get out of it, not necessarily relating to my depression but to life in general.
I feel like I should know steps to take to improve my situation, since I have gone through cognitive-behavioral therapy, but it is very easy for me to backslide.
However, I'm working on things.  I don't feel like life is awful.  I don't have trouble enjoying things daily.  I can tell what things are irritants to me (like Facebook!) and I try to focus on good things.
I think it works better for me if I make lists so I can check off what I've done.
I do try to keep an eye out for symptoms of depression in myself, but I sometimes wonder if I'm so far into it that I can't see it.  Right now I am not feeling so great about myself but I am being kind to myself and I don't think everything sucks.
I used to be the gloomy Eeyore person in my family but now I have to be the positive person because my husband wins at being Eeyore and both of us can't be dismal doom and gloomers.


  1. well i'm glad you are managing. my mom has it but refuses to find a new dr. she moved from her old one and when looking for a new one they all tried things on her instead of using what worked... its tough and i cant imagine how tough!

    hang in there!

    1. Thanks!
      I'm sorry about your mom. I have been fortunate in that talk therapy and no meds has worked for me so I haven't had to go through trying all the different meds and doses to figure out what works.
