Monday, May 7, 2012

Sunday was not a productive day for me.  I am starting to get kind of panicky about things.  I have a lot that needs to get done before the baby comes!  And days like yesterday don't help.  Nights like last night don't help either, as I woke up at 4:30 and that was it for me.  I really only got about three hours of sleep last night, and then went back to sleep around 8 this morning and woke up around 9.  My son was up at 4:30 as well, and I figured it wouldn't be a bad idea for him to sleep in some.
It is really nice out today, and would be a good painting day, but I think that is going to have to wait.  I will open the door to the bedroom to let some of that nice air in here.  However, I am really feeling like I need to rest some.  I'm having lunch with my sister today.
I have other things to do today, like put something in the mail for my husband and pay the rent, and I probably need to go get applesauce since we are about out.  I might use that as an excuse to pick up more chocolate milk, my current nectar of the gods.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday is cooking...

Well, it has been a productive Saturday so far.  I went to the store, although I forgot applesauce.  I did remember the oh-so-important sandwich cookies as well as milk and ice cream.
When I got home I started on my ratatouille, which turned out well.  I took a picture which I will post later.  I also cooked the corn on the cob and cut it off the cob for my son to eat.  Made iced tea.  Later on I will make vegetable curry and pesto.  Right now I think I'll take a rest, though!  I also want to try to remember about the Kentucky Derby later on.
Right now I have a request to fix the cd for my son.  He touches them and then they skip because of the sticky fingerprints!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Oh my!  I didn't realize it has been a week already since my last post.  My mom left yesterday morning to go to France for three weeks.  I had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday.  The baby is measuring a bit big (although I think maybe it's because I started drinking more water and my fluids haven't regulated yet), so I have to get an ultrasound next week.
I am feeling quite uncomfortable these days, and I have a lot to do!  I have a lot of trouble sleeping at night, but I am not worrying about my insomnia.  I know I'm just preparing for the lack of sleep I'll be getting for who knows how long!  I still do not think I'll be pregnant for five more weeks, but I am going to take as much advantage of the time I have left to get the nursery set up and the house cleaned up.  Rather a daunting thought, but it needs to be done.
Today I'm going to make ratatouille and possibly try to come up with something creative to do with the beets and cauliflower I got from the co-op this week.  I think it would be a good idea to make a few things that freeze well so I have them on hand for the first few weeks of new baby!