Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Beginner's Mind

I woke up this morning and felt like it was time for a change.  I've not been feeling good about myself lately.  And I've been putting on weight, not taking my eating seriously, nor my workouts.
Anyway, today is a new day!  And I'm going to look at it from the aspect of a beginner's mind.

I have been doing the Oprah and Chopra 21 day meditation challenge, although I'm behind on that.  I'm okay with being behind.

I also got back into my working out and it was great!  I did the workout live and that was a lot of fun.  I'm not sure that I think the energy was very different but I'm really glad I did it.  I was thinking about taking a nap instead but I don't need a nap now!

Nick is not gaining enough weight but we'll find out tomorrow if he's just got a high metabolism or if it's something else.

I am still not doing well with my money but I will get better.  I'm going to stop talking and thinking about it and actually just start doing!  It's time to take some action and I feel good right now so it's time.

I have lots to keep me busy for the next few days because we're going out of town on Saturday and will be gone until Wednesday.  It will be a fun trip, but I want the house to be in better shape before we leave.  And I have lots of food to use up or figure out what to do with.

I'm feeling very anxious about my money situation.  I have to get it together.  I am tired of feeling like this all the time, and I know it's interfering with my life in all aspects.

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