Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I think that in general I'm pretty happy.  I wish I had more money, and a bigger house, and a nicer car.  But I love my kids and my husband and the rest of my family.  I like not having a 9-5 office job.  For the most part, I like myself.  There are plenty of things that I'd change about my life, but they're pretty superficial.
I do think that I'm dissatisfied with things, but not really unhappy.  I am able to find joy in life on a daily basis.  I may spend a lot of time worrying but I am happy every day that I have my sons and many of the other things in my life.
I'm not sure that I acknowledge my happiness enough.  It's easy to get wrapped up in my financial worries, and they definitely detract from my happiness.  And I do like stuff.  I know that things don't really make me happy, but I do like things.
I think happiness is kind of difficult to define.  Because for me it's sharing meals with my family, going to the zoo on a spring day, laughing at something my five year old has said, reading a good book, painting or crafting or writing something that I know is good.
I definitely think happiness is something that you can find in daily life if you look for it.  Some people have a mindset which prevents them from seeing things that might make them happy.  Of course, I know there are times when it's not easy and may be impossible to be happy.  I don't think it's a simple emotion.  But for me I know it's something that I've had to choose to feel, and I struggle with finding that daily joy sometimes.
There are people in my life who aren't happy and seem to look for the bad in everything.  I am prone to this behavior but I've been working on not being that way.  It draws me, though.  It's easier for me to frame everything in a negative way.  But I know that there are more good things in my life than bad, and I try to appreciate what I have and not think so much about what is lacking.

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