Monday, April 15, 2013


Max is my first child.  I adore him.  He is amazing.  He's five now.  He is the neatest little kid.  I know I'm biased, but he is so great.  He is funny and smart and cute and just awesome.
Max loves trains.  He says that he only likes transportation things.  They just had a unit on transportation at his school and he was the transportation expert.  Now they are studying plants and he is not so interested, but he is learning some stuff.  He just only wants to play trains at home.
I had a miscarriage right before conceiving Max.  I was so worried that wouldn't be a viable pregnancy either but everything was okay.  It was a rough pregnancy, and the delivery wasn't great either, but I was so happy to have him.
I worry about him a lot because he seems to march to his own beat.  He gets along really well with adults but not so much with other kids.  He seems to be well-liked but he doesn't play with many people.
He is  starting kindergarten next year so will be one of the older kids in the class, but I'm thinking that is probably a good thing.  I don't want him to be bored intellectually but he definitely needs more time to develop socially.
I am really enjoying watching him grow up.  I like babies, but I think kids are so much more fun as they get older and start to be able to do more things.

Tomorrow I'll be writing about Nick.  :)

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