Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I am an introvert.  So is my husband, and so is my 5 year old.  My 10 month old is an extrovert.  I can tell because he'll be all cranky and tired and then we'll be in a social setting and he just brightens up and is so friendly and good.

I don't mind being an introvert.  I'm glad that I know about them now, because when I was in high school I was just weird.  Also my mom is an extrovert so she didn't really understand about how I felt about things.  That is sort of weird because my dad is and introvert, and so is my sister's father.  So she seems to like us just fine.

I really do like being by myself, although it would be nice to have some friends around here.  But I don't want local friends enough to put myself out there and try to make them.  I know people here but it's really hard to meet up.  We are all busy with our lives.

I hope that Max does okay with being an introvert.  Maybe now it isn't as big an issue.  He is a nice little boy and I think people like him.  He is not the best in groups and I can tell that when he gets home from preschool he needs to spend time unwinding and just hang out by himself.


  1. Introvert here as well. My eldest boy is an introvert. I think being an introvert is harder on boys than girls but they can lead very happy lives. Hugs to your little. I bet he is just adorable. ~~Emmly Jane

    1. Thanks! He is very cute. I think he's also an empath so that is even more challenging...he was evaluated last year because they thought he might have some sensory issues but he did fine during the evaluation. They said he's very smart and advanced intellectually, but a bit behind socially (but nothing out of the ordinary). In any event, he seems to be doing okay for the most part.
